All posts by Amanda HEROLD

Julio González in “A travers champs: modernité et ruralité dans la collection du Centre Pompidou”, Musée Crozatier, Puy-en-Velay, through Jan. 5, 2025

Since June 29 , 2024, two of Julio González’s paintings have been on display at the Musée Crozatier (Puy-en-Velay) in an exhibition that explores the theme of the rural world in modern art through works on loan from the Pompidou Center’s collection. This Catalan living in Paris’s paintings are exhibited alongside works by other internationally […]

Julio and Joan González in « From Montmartre to Montparnasse : Catalan artists in Paris, 1889-1914 » Museu Picasso Barcelona, through March 30, 2025

Artwork by Julio and Joan González is currently on display at the Museu Picasso Barcelona, in its new exhibition “De Montmartre à Montparnasse: Catalan artists in Paris, 1889-1914”. It focuses on the important place held by Catalan artists among the influx of French and foreign creators that amassed in Paris at the turn of the […]

Julio González in « Masaveu Collection. 20th c. Spanish Art from Picasso to Barceló », Fundación Masaveu, Madrid, through July 20, 2025

Opened in 2019 in Madrid, the Fundación Maria Cristina Masaveu Peterson uses its extensive collection to retrace Spanish 20th century art in its new exhibition « Masaveu Collection. 20th c. Spanish art from Picasso to Barceló ». A sculpture and several drawings by Julio González are on display in a gallery devoted to trailblazers of the Spanish […]

Roberta González now in AWARE!

Roberta González is now registered with AWARE (Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions), a prestigious database of 18th, 19th and 20th century female artists. Founded in 2014 by curator and art historian Camille Morineau, this project aims to put female creators in the spotlight. Check out Roberta González’s webpage, illustrated with a selection of […]

Julio & Roberta González at the Musée Zervos, July 13-Nov. 15, 2024

The exposition “Julio González : L’évidence de la vérité, le dessin dans l’espace” opens at the Musée Zervos (Vézelay, Bourgogne) on July 13 (through November 15, 2024). This innovative exhibition retraces the relationship between Julio and Roberta González with Christian and Yvonne Zervos, emblematic figures of the Parisian avant-garde, and their prestigious revue and gallery […]

Julio González at the Fondation Maeght

For its 60th anniversary, the Fondation Maeght has unveiled an extension! New galleries designed by the architect Silvio d’Ascia, in harmony with Josep Lluis Sert’s original building, allow for a more spacious display of the foundation’s permanent collection. Among the masterpieces on view is Julio González’s Daphné (iron, 1937). This iron sculpture innovatively captures the […]

Roberta Gonzalez at the Conde Duque Museum, Madrid (through Sept. 22, 2024)

“Roberta González, una pequena coleccion madrilena” opened on October 6, 2023 at the Museo Conde Duque in Madrid (through Sept. 22, 2024)! This exhibition, curated by Fernando Castillo Caceres, retraces Roberta González’s artistic career through the works housed in Vicente Garcia San Benito’s private collection of works by Roberta González. It is the first exhibition […]

Julio, Roberta & Joan González in “Popular”, IVAM Centre Julio González, through April 2024

Works by Julio & Roberta González at the entrance of “Popular” Julio, Roberta and Joan González are currently featured in the IVAM Centre Julio González’s collectiveexhibition “Popular”, an expansive show that explores the complex notion of the “popular”, as under-represented communities find a voice through symbolic representation. Visitors are greeted with various depictions of countrywomen […]

Julio González’s “Daphné” in Festival AR(t)CHIPEL, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, through Jan. 8, 2024

“Daphné” (c. 1937), one of Julio González’s most important sculptures, is currently on display at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours. It is an innovative, personal interpretation of the ancient Greek myth in which the young nymph transforms into a tree to thwart the sun god Apollo’s unwanted advances.  The ethereal rods at the top […]