González in museums

Housed in the collections of major museums and institutions across the world, Julio González's work is accessible to a vast, international public.  Several of González's works were acquired by museums like the MoMA or the MNAM (currently housed at the Pompidou Center) during his lifetime.   However, the majority of his work entered collections from the 1950s, thanks to the vision of curators and the generosity of his daughter, Roberta González, who made a series of donations to institutions in France, Spain and beyond.   These donations were supplemented by Carmen Martinez and Viviane Grimminger, the subsequent right-holders of the González Estate .  Their work to promote and defend the González legacy is pursued today by González Administration.

IVAM, Centre Julio Gonzalez, GeneralitatMusée National d’Art Moderne Centre PompidouMuseo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina SofiaMNAC Museu Nacional d’Art de CatalunyaFondation MaeghtMuseum of Modern Art (MoMA)Tate ModernMuseo Centro de Arte Dos de MayoFundación Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO)Patio Herreriano Museo de Arte Contemporáneo EspañolMuseu d’Art Contemporani Vicente Aguilera CerniLa Piscine – Musée d’art et d’industrie André DiligentSolomon R. Guggenheim MuseumHyogo Prefectural Museum of Arthpamhakone oamMuseo Botero