Since June 29 , 2024, two of Julio González’s paintings have been on display at the Musée Crozatier (Puy-en-Velay) in an exhibition that explores the theme of the rural world in modern art through works on loan from the Pompidou Center’s collection.

This Catalan living in Paris’s paintings are exhibited alongside works by other internationally renowned artists such as Alberto Magnelli and Kasimir Malévitch, not to mention photographers like August Sander and André Kertész. This ensemble gives varied and new perspectives on the figures of peasant life.
This fresh look at rural life will remain on view at the Musée Crozatier through January 5, 2025.
left: J. González, Trois paysannes, 1925-1926, oil on canvas, 27 x 22 cm, MNAM
right: J. González, Paysanne à la chèvre, 1906, oil on canvas, 54 x 38 cm, MNAM