For the first time, Julio González’s sculpture will be displayed alongside works by the celebrated contemporary American sculptor Joel Shapiro at the galería Cayón in Menorca (Spain). The fertile dialogue between these two artists who lived on different continents at different times, but whose work shares formal and philosophical affinities, speaks to González’s role as a pioneer of contemporary sculpture.

Joel Shapiro is a New York-based artist, active since the 1970s. Like so many creators of his and the previous generation, Shapiro found inspiration in Julio González’s revolutionary sculptural production. By applying technological innovation and his unique personal vision, González opened new possibilities for three-dimensional metallic creation, namely by integrating empty space as a constructive element.
The ensemble of González’s works on display date from his mature period in the 1930s. Ranging from figuration to near abstraction, they represent the human body in different postures, positions and portions, in a variety of formats: vertical or horizontal, compact or ethereal, entire or partial, static or in movement.

As the exhibition poignantly reveals, the common thread between the innovative works of these two artists is that of formal simplicity, dynamism and elegance. The ensemble speaks to the enduring legacy of Julio González’s work, and his role as a precursor of contemporary sculpture.
Click here to watch Joel Shapiro speak about Julio González’s impact on his work.